Wednesday, December 21, 2011

He's With Us

          by Margaret Eileen

So immense is your sorrow, we cannot measure
So great is God’s love we’re taught to treasure.

The lost life of an unborn child
Jesus in a manger so tender and mild

The life of one man revered with fond memory
No room at the inn for Joseph and Mary

Angels we have heard on high,
Tires screech, a young boy dies

While another life ends tragically
We deck the halls with boughs of holly

Folks have no job, no money, with each day more stress
And we’re told the first Christmas was oh such a mess

With our hearts heavy with so much sadness,
Why do we celebrate with merriment and happiness?

If everything bad happens for a reason,
Why lift our glass to toast the season?

Well, it’s all about having Faith
And turning to God when your heart aches

Because every life is a gift, no matter how brief
God’s love will see you through your pain and your grief

Each life has a purpose to nurture and cherish
Each death a reminder that our spirit won’t perish

It’s that time of year to remember He’s with us
That’s why we say, "Have a Merry Christmas"

  ~For the loved one's we've lost at Christmas Time~


  1. Very beautiful Maggie-well said

  2. Beautiful poem spoken from the heart for many of us-thank you for putting our emotions into words

  3. Not sure I know who you are Margaret, but such wonderful words...thank you and God Bless!

  4. Maggie that is so touching. You should write some more.

  5. Maggie, incredibly heartfelt.....incredible...
    Joel Hendelman

  6. Hi Maggie,

    Thank you so much for sharing your creative poem and heartfelt emotions so reflective of the experiences we all go through when losing a loved one.

